Tuesday, April 18, 2017

3rd-5th Grade Music Concert!

Our Spring Music Concert is one week from this Thursday. Students have been working hard, and we look forward to performing for you in the Archway Lincoln gym on Thursday, April 27th!

 Concert Start Time: 3rd-5th Grade - 6:30-7:30 PM

All 3rd-5th Grade students should report to their classrooms at 6 PM. 

Concert attendance is MANDATORY, and all students are expected to stay for the entire concert. 

At the concert this April, we will be doing an eye glass drive in partnership with the Chandler Chapter of the Lion's Club. We will be collecting used eye glasses for those in need. Please start looking for old eye glasses you have around the house that you might want to donate. The eye glasses can be for both children and adults. 

You can order your concert DVD at the following link:
